Become intern web developer to make some new website for the company.
Making simple static website.
Making working dynamic website with serverless backend.
Making and managing my web's database.
Been experimenting things like making visual novel or mario-type game using Godot Engine.
Write some short story, novel, and e-book.
Main leader of the most strict organization and keeper of the regulation, rule, and security of the school.
Get to the final round of the competition with my team.
Get 3rd place and win 3 million rupiah in the competition with my team.
Win the competition with my team, and get the prize of internhip worth 13 million rupiah.
Get 375.5 score of Regional Education Standardization Assessment (ASPD).
Enrolled in Network and Application Information Systems (SIJA) major.
Best graduate in 2023 with 375.5 score of Regional Education Standardization Assessment (ASPD).
One of the best twenty graduate.